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What kind of updates are there?

What kind of updates are there?

__________________ Updates can apply to the core WordPress installation, to plugins or the themes you have installed. Before we process these updates, we review and test them to reduce the chance of potential security and incompatibility problems with your website.  

Can you resolve a problem with my websit...

Can you resolve a problem with my website?

__________________ While we’ll do everything we can to keep your website free of issues, sometimes things happen that are outside our control. For example, you may install a new plugin and your website breaks, so you need us to fix it for you. If your webmax365 Plan includes Support Tasks, we’ll apply that time against […]

How do I request a support task?

How do I request a support task?

__________________ If your plan includes support tasks, you simply send us an email. To make sure any change requests are logged correctly, you will be provided with a “priority support” email address as part of the on-boarding process.  

Does time allocated for support tasks ac...

Does time allocated for support tasks accumulate?

__________________ This applies to our Performance Plan. Your time allocation does not accumulate, so we encourage you to use this time as much as possible each month to get maximum benefit from your webmax365 Plan.  

What types of tasks are included in my m...

What types of tasks are included in my monthly support time?

__________________ If your plan includes support tasks, these are defined as any maintenance requiring, on average, 30 minutes or less. We can make content and image updates, theme or stylesheet adjustments, configure forms, add new blog posts or set up additional pages. We’ll take care of almost anything that isn’t a major change or fix. […]

How does on-boarding work?

How does on-boarding work?

__________________ Once we’ve agreed to work together and you’ve signed up for the webmax365 plan that best meets your needs, you’ll receive a welcome email with details about how to securely send us the login credentials for your WordPress dashboard and hosting provider. Once received, we’ll initiate your plan within 24-48 hours. Some elements like […]


Free Website Audit

Before you go, test your site and see how well it really performs.
Discover if you have malware, viruses, site errors, out of date software, and any malicious code. What’s your current blacklist status?
We’ll email you a detailed Audit Report with actionable recommendations.